Album art

Due to changing the song we also needed to edit some of the album artwork. This was because it contained lyrics on the front and back, as well as on the lyric page. The themes and pictures of the band that were on the rest of the album did not need to be changed because they did not focus on the song.

inside left

The inside panels are the two parts that we do not need to change, a picture of the guitarist Simon Neil is on the inside left cover, we have changed the picture quite a lot. We have changed it by adding black and white effects, we also added a blur. Due to changing the song we also needed to change the lyrics inside. The inside right panel has been kept the same, it has an edited version of Biffys logo, which is in black and white. We did this so that the two panels which are inside the cover look similar and look good with each other.

Our deadline was approaching fast and because we choose to change our song we also had to plan another album cover. To do this we began by discussing ideas between us as a group and then spoke to an actor who will be playing the main character in the music video. An idea we had was to have our main character Rob facing the camera in the foreground. We would then have the girl in the background slightly faded. An idea that we had was to have the picture as looking similar to our music video. We wanted the picture to show the story of our music video which was the couple falling out and then making up again. We would only be able to portray this if they stood apart from each other in the photo.

A different idea that we had was having the main character sitting outside the house. If he had his head in his hands then it would show that he was upset and would be regretting his decision of breaking up with the girl in the video. To make the picture like the music video then in the background the girl would be blurred out walking away from him.

On the back of the album cover we were planning on having a picture of Rob throwing rocks into Maxey Lake as we are planning for Rob to walk off to Maxey lakes after the argument between the couple. The other idea was to reverse the front cover by having Kayley facing the camera and having Rob siting on the curb blurred out in the background. This would show both side of the story with them both being upset and leaving each other.

We need to get these pictures take so we are able to reach the deadline for the album art cover and are planning to film on the 23rd.


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